Thursday, May 28, 2009
The deaths of Romeo and Juliet
Introduction: In the city of Verona there are two families that have had some differences in the past. The two families are the Capulets and the Montagues. From ancient grudge the two families have always hated each other. Then Romeo went to a capulet party with some of his friends and there he saw Juliet and he felt like he was in love again. Then Romeo and Juliet got secretly married. Then a tragedy happened Romeo was banned and both of them were sad because they thought they wouldn't see each other anymore. Then Juliet took something that the frior gave her so her family can think she was dead. After that another tragedy happened Romeo actually thought she was dead so he drank poisen then Juliet woke up and saw him dead so then she killed herself for real.
Romeo's profile: Romeo is the son of Lord Montague. He is 16 years old. The thing I know about him is that he likes to take risks because he married Juliet and his family didn’t allow that. His personality is intelligent and sensitive. Benvolio is associated with Romeo because he is Romeo’s cousin and his close friend.
Juliet’s profile:
Juliet is daughter to Lord Capulet. She’s 12 years old. She’s like Romeo she likes to take risks, and her personality is that she use to follow the rules therefore you can call her a good girl until she fell in love with Romeo. When she fell in love with Romeo she broke a rule because she married an enemy. The nurse would associated the most with Juliet, Juliet would tell the nurse everything.
Statements from the Nurse
The nurse was interviewed after the tragedy and she said: "I knew it was a bad idea to let Juliet marry Romeo. I should have never helped Juliet get married with a Montague. It was all my fault that Juliet killed herself just because Romeo was died. Now I regret talking to the frior to get both Romeo and Juliet married."
Statements from Benvolio
Benvolio was interviewed after the tragedy and he said: " Come on Romeo don't worry about Roseline there are other girls. Thats why we should go and crash the Capulets party, it will take your mind off Roseline. I think it was a good thing I took Romeo to the party because he started to like Juliet and forgot about Roseline. Then he thought Juliet was actually died so he killed himself.
The Prince was punish them by making them have peace between each other. Who even broke it would be ban like Romeo. The Nurse and the Frior would be the people that would be on trial. The reason is because they were the only people that knew they were married. Also because they help them plan the wedding and the frior got them married. Therefore the Nurse and Frior would be the people I would put on trial.
Monday, March 9, 2009
View on Euthanasia
Friday, March 6, 2009
"Mercy" Killing
1) Reflecting on of mice and men
a) In the book Of mice and men, the character George shoots what you can call his "best friend" in the head to end his life. The reason why George killed Lennie is because if he didn't do it the Curley would have to do it. But George doesn't want curley to do it because he knows Curley would torture Lennie before he kills him.
b) I think what George did was the best thing for Lennie. The reason why is because George didn't want Lennis to suffer. He was going to suffer if Curley would find him, Curley would make Lennie suffer before he kills him since Lennie killed his wife.
2) Father in Italy Accused of Murder
a)"Late last year, 67-year-old Beppino Englaro, won an intense 10-year legal battle to allow his daughter's feeding tubes to be removed, saying that was her wish."
The reason why he did that was because he said that would be what his daughter would want. To the man he doesn't see it as murder i think to him he thinks he did something right. He thinks he did something right because if i was him i would think that my daughter would be suffering so I would just remove the feeding tube so she would not suffer anymore.
b)"Late last year, 67-year-old Beppino Englaro, won an intense 10-year legal battle to allow his daughter's feeding tubes to be removed, saying that was her wish."
I think that was the best thing to do for his daughter. The reason why is because she's pretty much dead the only thing that was keeping her alive was the feeding tubes. So thats why I think he wanted to remove the feeding tubes not only because he didn't want to see her suffering but also because that would be what she wanted.
c) Yes I agree with what he did. I agree because if she was pretty much dead might as while just remove the feeding tubes so she can die. And if that would be her wish to remove the feeding tube then I would do it so she will not be suffering.
3)Man kills Family after losing his Job
- How is he going to pay for rent
- how is he going to buy food for his family
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Lord of the Flies

The person i picked to be piggy is Peter Griffin from family guy. I picked Peter because thats how piggy would look if he was older. The reason why they look alike is because both Peter and piggy wear and need their glasses. Another thing they had in common is that they were not skinny. They also had the same roles from example piggy was never the leader and if you see family guy you will see that his wife is usually the one in charge.
I picked Larry Fitzgerald to be Simon. I picked Larry Fitzgerald because they both have things in common for example Larry Fitzgerald is not in charge of the football team that he plays for but he will soon and Simon was not the chief or the leader but he can. They might not be leaders or a chief but they still do their jobs. They also make sure they the other kids and/or the players do their job. But for Simon it wouldnt happened because they killed him because they thought he was the beastie.

I put Jason as Roger. I picked Jason because he is known to kill and Roger is now known because he killed piggy in the movie. They are the same because Roger wasn't always bad he turned bad when he joined Jacks tribe. And Jason wasn't always bad either he turned bad because he was always getting bullied.
These guys would play the beasties.

Monday, November 3, 2008
My thoughts on this picture is that the people that were around the bridge before the bombing happened people didn't think that was actually going to happened. So before the bombing all the people were having a good time well thats what im thinking. I also think that all the kids were most likely at school learning and im thinking that all the kids were scared because of the bombing. Also when the adults are going through the bridge to go to work i know for a fact that when the atomic bombhappened they were scared because the bridge was shaking .

The thing is that I don't know this can actually happen. What i mean by that is that how can you see the person's shadow but the person isn't there. Thats just weird to me because I didn't think that was actually possible. Therefore the way I feel is surprised of what i saw in this picture.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Second assignment

2.) I got this picture because i don't believe in abortion. This is the out come when the women doesn't abort the baby. Another reason why I'm against abortion is not only because your killing the baby inside you but there is a chance you can damage your own health.
"I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child - a direct killing of the innocent child - murder by the mother herself"
- Mother Theresa
3.) I agree with this statement because it talks about the truth about mothers killing their innocent, unborn children. This statement leads me to wonder how can we allow abortions. I see an abortion as murder. An unborn child's heart begins to beat on the fifth week after conception. While doing this homework assignment my mom told me that when she was pregnant with me some people would ask her if she was going to have an abortion because she was 21 years old and single. Her answer was "NO, I would never do that. I will try to be the best mother I can be". I'm glad that my mom made the choice to keep me!
4.) "By abortion the Mother does not learn to love, but kills her own child to solve her problems. And, by abortion, that father is told that he does not have to take any responsibilty at all for the child he has brought into the world. The father is likely to put other women to the same trouble. So abortion leads to more abortion."
5.) I chose this quote because I agree with everything this statements says.For example in the statement i agree because it said that the mother will never learn how to love because she is willing to kill her own child just to solve her problems.Another thing I do agree with is when the statement says that by the abortion the father is told that he does not have any responsibilty at all for the child that he has brought into the world.I als0 agree that most likely the father will put another women into the same situation that the previous women went through.Therefore I think abortion will lead to more and more abortions.
Sunday, September 28, 2008